Sunday, July 4, 2010

My Thoughts on the iPad

( Posted May 28th ) First let me say that I am sitting in a Starbucks having a cup of coffee reflecting on my use of the iPad over the last month. I am also composing this post on the iPad.

The iPad I have is the 16 gig WiFi only model, yes I could not wait for the 3G. Why the 16 gig instead of the 32 or 64 gig models? First, I looked at my iPhone and how I was using the iPod and app features of the phone. When I had the first gen iPhone it became very clear that 8 gigs wasn't enough for the way I used the it. I have to say, I have never used the iPhone as a music player. I use the iPod functions for podcasts and video, and I never store them forever on the iPhone. So 16 gigs is enough for me and the way I assumed I would use the iPad. Second, I really thought about prices and wondered if the additional cost for more memory was worth the price if I didn't find the experience all that great. I have a netbook and used it less than ten times and have considered it a waste of money. I ended up giving then thing away.

Up front I have to say that it is a game changer. I know that the statement creates
controversy for some. Let me explain my thinking. I'll start out by stating what the iPad isn't. First, the iPad is not in any way shape a notebook killer, not even a net book killer. ( I have a net book and really understand it). A notebook has much more functionality such as, connecting to networks, receiving, processing and transforming data from various sources. Second, The iPad is pretty much tied to the Apple iTunes ecosystem. Sure you can access e-mail accounts in multiple ways and surf the Internet, but even with that you still have to use Apple's browser and e-mail client. (Although I hear that Firefox has submitted a browser for Apple's approval). Third, the applications you can install are only those approved by Apple and only available from the App Store.

What the iPad is a device that will change the genre of tablet computing. Let's explore that for a moment. I can remember years ago Bill Gates expound on the tablet computer and that it would be the way people would buy computers. Computer manufactures produced tablet computers based on Windows tablet operating system which was basically Windows desktop operating system. You interacted with the system via a stylus and if you so desired a virtual keyboard. Most people who had tablets, at least the people I knew rarely used the tablet feature and instead used it as a notebook where you opened it up and used the physical keyboard. And, there were very few applications that took advantage of the tablet function.

Now fast forward to the iPad. The iPad uses an operating system that is designed for mobile products. It is not a desktop operating system on a mobile device. ( In fact, I found the whole tablet ecosystem really cumbersome to use with a desktop based operating system). I would even venture to say that based on sales I wasn't the only one to think so. I think one of the reasons HP bought Palm was to acquire WebOS and use it for their upcoming tablet instead of Windows 7. I think that this is were the iPad will really be a game changer. We will see more mobile/portable devices based on mobile operating systems whether it is WebOS or Android. And, as consumers we can only benefit from this.

I use my iPad to get my e-mail, browse the web and run applications that are important to me on a device that is highly mobile. I no longer have to go upstairs to my office to get and respond to e-mail. Like my iPhone the iPad is always on, press the home button and the desktop appears. Tap the e-mail icon and presto all my e-mail. Same with all the built in apps and those downloaded from the App Store. I love watching movies I sync to the iPad. Movies on the iPhone work but with the iPad's large screen and better resolution movies are better watched.

Now to my biggest complaint- no printing directly from the device. Every once in a while I want to print a receipt or an e-mail and I can't because there is no native printing. Although I can understand what my be the reason for the lack of printing- namely printer drivers. Since I have several printers from different manufactors I would need several different print drivers.

In sum, I have to say that I would recommend the iPad with one caveat, buy the 3G model. I ended up getting a Verizon MiFi and realized that the money I'm going to spend for monthly charges will quickly add up and prove to be more expensive than the 3G with the $30.00 data plan. (But, I will say my seat of the pants feeling finds the Verizon network faster than AT&T's). Although I can access the Internet via Starbucks when I want there will be times when I'm at a clients site and need Internet access, hence the MiFi. My advice buy the 3G model and pay the $30.00 for the data plan.

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